I know I left abruptly, but I was having a really, really hard time seeing the positive in ANY day, much less every day... and I just felt like I would be lying to my readers (and myself), if I tried to pretend that there was anything overly amazing going on.
Fortunately, I have discovered my love for life and everything around me again (from the big to the small). I am grateful to so many people for their constant support, my re-found ability to stop suffering at the hands of someone else and to start dismissing people that impact me negatively from my life. I am still working on the latter, but there were a few toxic individuals that I would dread seeing; those that I had to pretend to like when I was around them and who treated me horribly despite my effort to be kind and feign an interest during our five minute interactions.
I've been reading a lot of books lately that have helped me focus on myself, my fears and my self-confidence. Since last year, I have also gotten an amazing new job and started my own business as a consultant for a health and wellness company. I am constantly surrounding myself with people who are positive, loving life and who want me to be the best me that I can be. Cheese aside, I am so so so lucky and thankful every day to be around people that impact me in such a profound way.
I had a huge chat with two of my favourite people today (on the beach!!) on ways we can each improve our own lives and try to figure out what it is that we want from this life. I know that I am meant for more than the ordinary. I have never seen myself as the type to grow up, get married, have children, have grandchildren and then just die. There is absolutely not one single thing wrong with that life; but I know that there is more out there for me and I am working to figure out what that is! Part of our chat today happened due to a cd I was just listening to. Robin Sharma, though I'm not overly a huge fan of his work (his "Guide to Greatness" (so far) is doing very little for me), however, he did suggest taking ten things that you love to do, that you have a passion for, and spending the next ten weeks doing an hour of one of those things every single day. I am still working on my list, but so far I have come up with:
1) Writing
2) Reading
3) Singing
4) Dancing
5) Eating
Currently, I am working on number one, spending an hour every day this week writing, which is why I'm here! I can't promise I'll be here every single day, but I want to be and I will absolutely work towards it. One of my aspirations in life (and has been since I first put pen to paper) is to write a book, so I may be spending time on that as well. I have to say, I'm really looking forward to finishing my list and spending time doing these things (I can't wait for singing and dancing).
What would be on your list?
I hope to see you tomorrow!
Thank you, as always, for reading, and for your support.
Much love and I hope you are all enjoying your summer!
PS - edit: The "normal" lifestyle I was talking about is something I still want too. I meant IN ADDITION to getting married and having babies and all that jazz, I know there is more out there for me. xox.
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