08 August 2013

Farms, Friends and Thievery

This morning my brother, nephew and I ventured to Steckle Farms, where one of my friends (and his fam jam) pretty much run the place.  We talked animals, gardens, vegetables, wet lands, fruit, bees, honey and basically anything farm related.  Additionally, we saw a cow, goats, pigs, piglets, horses, chickens, roosters, sheep, llamas, etc, etc...  I was pretty much on a high all day just from that!  But then I went and saw a movie with a friend and then had dinner with another great friend.  Such a good social day.  I've been trying to see/actually talk with at least one person/friend every day because I miss those genuine connections not found via text/email/facebook.  They're great, and I'm totally a social media queen slash texter extraordinaire, but there is nothing like a voice or face to face...  Face to face usually ends in a hug, of which I am a huge, huge, HUUUUUUUUUUUUUGE fan!  

However, the introvert in me (and I really only discovered what it meant to be introverted last year reading Quiet, a book I'd intended to give someone else as a good-bye present (SUCH A GREAT BOOK; sorry but not sorry that I kept it!)) was exhausted.  I basically got home, let the dog out, threw on my jammies and crawled into bed.  And here I am.  Did I spend my hour writing?  Maybe not all in one place, but probably.  Did I do all my squats?  I hit 80.  And for a tired soul like myself, that is good enough.

Sweet dreams, my loves.

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