30 November 2011

The Italian Job

I love having friends that I can call on a whim, they'll come over and we don't have to do anything but just chat and catch up.  There are so few people who are able to do that, so I'm super grateful for that.  Brendon and I ended up watching The Italian Job after we were done chit-chatting and I totally fell asleep watching it.  This is the first year of my life that I actually need to get eight hours of sleep...  and the first year I've ever been able to fall asleep in front of the tv.  I guess I'm officially 30 now.  My nighthawk days are over!

As is my pity party...  Welcome back, me!

Rock on!
- M

29 November 2011

My Fitness Pal

So, I decided that my pity party is over...  The lazing around, watching tv so I don't have to deal with life is not happening. 

I'm going to start using myfitnesspal again...  It's a free calorie counter program and it's so helpful/useful and motivational!  If you want to check my page out, visit http://www.myfitnesspal.com/meaghanls

Hope everyone is having a great week so far!
- Meaghan

22 November 2011


Yesterday was a rough day...  I didn't want to pretend like there were any small anythings that were remotely good, so I just didn't log on.  Today was a bit better. 

Today's small victory was deciding to invest in my dog.  Obviously I love her like crazy, but I haven't cared enough to buy her decent food.  I went globe foods today and picked up a small bag of $23 dog food...  But it's from Alberta, made of animals FROM Alberta and fruit.  No chemicals, no crap by-product.  I brought it home and she kept sniffing the bag.  I poured it for her and she ate it immediately.  She isn't really the type to eat when people are around, she'll let it sit.  She went to town.  So, I guess I did good by her!  I'm happy with a happy, full bellied dog.

Happiness and smiles!
- Megs

18 November 2011


I watched this week's Glee episode tonight.  SOOOO good!  It's had its up and downs lately (ie: last week's show was terrible), but mash ups make for amazing episodes.

Songs and sunshine!
- Meaghan

16 November 2011


Today's small victory is feeling better about things... I'm still bursting out in sobs spontaneously (like you would expect anything less), but today, I felt a little more positive about things.

Health and happiness!
- Megs

15 November 2011

Big Spoon, Little Spoon

I guess I'll have to settle for spooning the dog on the couch.  She's pretty good at being the little spoon.

Happiness and health!
- M

10 November 2011

Lost Love

I can be rejoiceful that I did everything I could to save our relationship. 

I miss you already and it's only been an hour.  Thank you for loving me and letting me share part of you over the years, and more recently, over the past four months.  The person you think you are isn't the person you have to be...  but you need to realize this yourself.  I can't fix you.  And I can't be broken anymore.  I need to fix me.

I love you and I can't wait until we can be friends and I can see the person you have the power to become.

Love always and forever,

09 November 2011


When shit gets terrible, I usually stop eating.  I have, instead, forced myself to do the opposite.  I'm going to binge eat all day long.  Yay for eating your emotions!

- Meaghan

08 November 2011

Broken Heart

For the first time in months (and first time ever on this blog!), I have no victory. 

One terrible moment, with promises of more to come, has over-shadowed anything remotely awesome today.

Sorry, friends.
Hopefully tomorrow will be better...

- Meaghan

07 November 2011

Another One!

I just found show number two in the past two days that is rocking my world.  Ringer is amazing.  I may be biased courtesy of my love for Sarah Michelle Gellar, but it's pretty awesome.  I started watching The Walking Dead yesterday and am already done season 1.  Whoops!

Gotta love when you find shows you can be hooked on!

Love and television!
- Meaghan

04 November 2011

She's So Lucky...

Today ended up being pretty crap.  I fainted at work and had to leave.  Luckily, I have awesome co-workers!  Even more luckily, my parents were in town, so they came and picked me up.  My mom drove my car home...  She hadn't driven stick in awhile, so it was kind of bumpy.  I should have driven with my dad.  Haha.  Regardless, even in the worst moments, I'm so lucky to have the people in my life that I do.

Thank you.
- Megs

03 November 2011


I love those moments when you've had such a busy week and you know you're going to see your significant other.  He should be here any second and I am sooooo looking forward to that first hug.  Love!

Lots and lots of love!
- M

02 November 2011

Run Run Run!

RUNNING!  I ran today with Cays and it was pretty invigorating.  AND it was absolutely gorgeous out.  I plan on running a bunch bunch bunch more this month and then some...  Mexico in four months!  Ahhhhh!

Love and sunshine!
- Meaghan

01 November 2011

Lightroom 2

Uhhh, how did I ever edit photos without Lightroom?  Greatest thing to happen to my photography pretty much EVER.

Thanks for the hook up, Matthew!

Love and laughter!
- M