08 October 2013

Almost Healthy

Good news, friends.  My cough is on its way out!  It's only taken three weeks,  but I'm finally getting there.  I'm hoping I'll be able to run by the end of the week.  All the weight I lost from my squats, planking and every other day runs will be shed yet again, and then some.

Oktoberfest this weekend!  I am so so so beyond pumped.  Favourite night of the year FOR SURE!  And I just recruited three more of my favourite people to go.  Then, off to the cottage for Thanksgiving with the fam jam and friends.  I can't wait.

Super short entry, but the cough starting to dwindle is a huge victory!  And Oktoberfest...  well, that's my xmas.   And long weekends are just heaven sent.

Much love,

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