18 January 2012


Wednesday nights are laundry nights at my house.  Not for me, not for my roommate...  but for my brother.  He makes his weekly visits to do the wash of his petit famille and we get to laugh about dumb stuff we typically wouldn't in front of anyone else.  (In the past, we've been known to rock out to Hilary Duff "Fly" and bust out.  In fact, I'm pretty sure my dad yelled at us when we came into the house still belting it out).  Anyway, our stupid laughing was over the "y u no" guy and some jokes from Mean Girls (a go to movie I forgot about and one I need to reacquaint with ASAP).  We may detest our siblings growing up, but wow, we're lucky to have each other.

Love and siblings!
- Megasena or Bitchasena as Thomasena likes to call me

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