07 February 2012

2 For 1

Oops!  I somehow forgot to post yesterday...  I think the exhaustion and monotony of full-time work and studying got to me and I was in bed, reading, by 8:30 last night.  That was totally my victory then.

TODAY was wow!  I've been so stressed about this silly history mid-term that I was letting it run my life and how I feel about being school...  to the point where I started questioning why I was even bothering!  Walking out of the mid-term tonight, I was like, THAT is why I'm in school - to rock those tests, to really understand how things work and to care enough about myself to keep learning.  I'd been guilt-eating (aka BINGE) during studying (I had the worst sweet tooth craving/give in), so I was extra inspired to run tonight.  For the second time this week, I've run for 40 minutes!  Yay, me! 

I just have one more mid-term to go and then I'm FREEEEEEEE.  Dominican in 12 days!  WOW.  I can't wait!

Much love and learning always!
- M

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